Primitive Wilderness Survival
Primitive Wilderness Survival's goal is to get people outdoors while ensuring that they stay safe and comfortable. The classes are not structured around fear based ideologies or “Rambo” type mentality. Phillip prefers for his students to get out and form a connection with their environment and the people that moved across these landscapes before our time.
Phillip believes that by connecting further with nature that we can learn more about ourselves and grow as humans. Come experience the beauty that the natural world has to offer with him! He hopes to share a campfire with you all.

Primitive Wilderness Survival teaches everything from 72 hour emergency survival to full on primitive living skills. They even offer customized training at prices that can’t be beat.
Offering training that will help you feel at home in the wilderness. A helping hand to teach you how to work towards true self reliance.
In a world that relies so much on technology, Phillip will help you unplug from the grid.
Regardless of your reason for being outdoors, these classes are sure to benefit you. The main focus is to get people into the great outdoors and keep them safe while doing so. The goal is to have fun, enjoy yourself and make it back home safely!